Make your flights as soon as possible because the arrival and departure times in Nassau are limited. You will need to book flights to and from Nassau (NAS). Flights from Nassau to Andros Island are included in the camp tuition. It is imperative that you book flights at the appropriate times listed below so you do not miss the flight going to Andros and your flight home. We will provide flight itineraries for our staff once those reservations are made. Please send us your flight itinerary.
Flights to Nassau on SATURDAY, July 26th (NAS): Must ARRIVE BEFORE 12:45 PM (the earliest flight into Nassau is best in order to allow for unforeseen delays)
Flights from Nassau on SATURDAY, August 2nd: Must DEPART AFTER 12:00 PM (soon after 12 pm is best as to avoid waiting around the airport.)
If your child is under 18, please check with the airline to see what their restrictions are for traveling internationally without a parent. Some parents choose to fly with their child to and from Nassau to avoid issues. Some parents also choose to fly to Nassau the day before to avoid problems with delayed flights to Nassau. We strongly recommend purchasing travel insurance due to unforeseen delays and cancellations, and the costs associated with rebooking flights to Andros, hotel stays, etc. that may be incurred in order to get your child to Andros at a later time or date.
Passports are required to visit the Bahamas. If your child doesn’t already have a passport, please apply for one immediately because processing times can be six weeks or more. If your child already has a passport, please make sure the passport is set to expire at least six months or more after the final day of travel. In other words, the last travel date is August 2, 2025, so make sure their passport is not expiring prior to February 2, 2026.
travel insurance and international medical insurance
The field station where we are staying requires everyone to have international medical coverage. It needs to cover the following:
International coverage
Medical evacuation (you will be staying on Andros Island, Bahamas)
Major medical benefits
Option 1: Purchase DAN’s Travel Insurance. This not only covers trip cancellations or interruption coverage, but also provides the medical insurance requirement. The cost to cover a 16-year-old was $152. Trip insurance is highly advisable. There are also other trip insurance providers out there. Option 2: Check with your current medical insurance provider as they may include international medical coverage. Option 3: When you obtain or renew your DAN Insurance, select the Preferred or Guardian Plan. These plans meet the non-diving, international medical coverage requirement. Option 4: Look for other international medical insurance carriers. Here are some examples: United Healthcare, International Student Insurance, International Student Protection, INext International Travel Protection.
Andros Island does not have a hospital, but does have two large clinics in the event of an accident or illness. Each clinic is about a 30-minute drive from the station. Regardless of what insurance option you go with, a visit to a Bahamian clinic will be out of pocket and then can be submitted to your insurance provider. Medical costs are low in the Bahamas (e.g. $150 to get stiches).