Scott Davenport, Owner, has a BS in Marine Fisheries Biology from Texas A&M University. He holds multiple Recreational, Technical, and Cave Instructor ratings with SDI/TDI, PADI and NASE. He taught recreational SCUBA courses, American Academy of Underwater Sciences scientific diving course, and was the Interim Diving Safety Officer at Texas A&M University. After moving to Florida, Scott was the Program Director for a summer camp. He was the founder and Director of an extremely popular SCUBA program at a Florida private school. Scott also taught school (biological sciences) to middle and high schoolers for for over 15 yrs. He has over 20 years of summer camp experience and leading expeditions like these. Scott enjoys teaching people of all ages the value of safe and environmentally friendly scuba diving.
Jennifer Davenport, Director, has a MSc in Biology from Texas A&M University and a BS in Marine Biology from Ohio University. She has over 25 years of diving experience, many of which she served as a Dive Master assisting scuba classes with children and young adults. She has over 10 years experience working with children of all ages as a gymnastics instructor and an environmental education instructor at various camps located throughout the country. For the past 15 years she has worked as an Aquatic Biologist identifying and describing species of aquatic invertebrates from both marine and freshwater systems including many of Florida's pristine springs. She enjoys exploring and hiking around Florida's springs and trails with her family.
Summer Camp |
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